Take Advantage of Your Member Website Listing
Our website is a well visited resource for consumers, visitors, and neighboring communities making it a great place to share business and event information.Please Read Carefully To Take Advantage of This Valuable
Tool for your business.
Our website is a well visited resource for consumers, visitors, and neighboring communities. MACC appears toward the top of any search results regarding Mahomet, Businesses, Events, and more. We update the Chamber website regularly – It’s a great place to visit in order to stay current, but also to share your current information.
Maximize exposure and visibility by utilizing a Members Login and Password that allows you to easily build your own home page on the MACC site, set up various links including a link to your website and general information about your business including a map, services, hours of operation, and even social media links (Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram) with fellow Chamber Members and Visitors. Call the Chamber Office for assistance.
It’s important to visit your page on a regular basis and keep it up to date. Regular changes may include things like:
- Logo
- Sharing pictures of your business, events or staff
- Location or change of address, phone, email, rep info

Mahomet Chamber of Commerce Member Website Preview
Login and Password: These can be assigned to you and when you login you can change them by going to the Login/Password section. The Chamber Office will have record of your information in case you forget it.
Business Categories and Keywords: Select these to prompt your business to appear when a visitor is looking for services that match your criteria. For instance, if you are a restaurant but you haven’t checked the category ‘restaurant’ in your membership info, your business will not appear under that category as an option when a visitor is searching for a local restaurant.
Note: Most public changes will be approved by the Chamber office before going live.