Member Benefits
The Mahomet Chamber of Commerce is a great outlet for businesses to stay in touch with our growing community and gain valuable exposure through our member benefits.

- Social Media & Blog Announcements: Submit content for our team to post to our Facebook Page, co-host an event with the Chamber via Facebook events or write a guest blog post for our website.
- Chamber Referrals: Your information is available 24/7 through the Chamber’s website. You can have a “Link” from the Chamber website to your very own website. Your own Chamber Home Page designed by you with pictures and logos.
- Newcomers Bags: Promote your business with an insert in our newcomers bag for new residents. This is done through Real Estate agents, Loan Officers, Village Office and the Chamber Office. The Newcomers bag contains many promotional items from your business such as giveaways, discount coupons or brochures about your business.
- Ribbon Cutting Ceremony: This is available for Grand Openings (available one time for each members business unless you move to a new location).
- Exclusive Chamber Event Sponsorship: Enjoy exclusive sponsorship opportunities at events, such as Golf Outing, Central IL Home Show, Soda Fest, Ladies Night Out, Mahomet Auto Fest are events during the year. Village Christmas which includes Christmas Walk and Breakfast with Santa are events that the Chamber sponsors during the Holiday Season.
- Serves as a bridge between the Business Community, elected and appointed officials and Chamber of Commerce in the Mahomet area.
- Works with other groups to address specific issues that may impact business retention and economic growth of the area.
- Works closely with the Board and membership to act as a catalyst to educate and promote a new vision of how the Mahomet area business community sees itself through communication, collaboration and focused activities that foster a positive economic environment and ensure a high quality of life.
- Recruit Business Members: To help the Chamber continue to develop the business and economic growth within our Community.
- Participate in Ribbon Cuttings: for Grand Openings of Businesses or one if you move to a new location
- Monthly General Meetings: Held the 3rd Thursday each month to discuss issues developing within our village or business community. Special Speakers attend the meetings to provide insight on local government issues or events that concern our community.
- Express your Opinion: Attendance at the meeting provides an opportunity to express your opinion about issues impacting your business and to be part of a collective voice. Making announcements about your business is always encouraged
- Professional Development Workshops: Attend or host professional development workshops to benefit your employees or reach a new audience by hosting a workshop.
- Guest Speaker Opportunities: Become a guest speaker at the next general chamber meeting! Take twenty minutes to teach our group something new!
- Network! Network! Network! We have countless opportunities to network with the community from events, meetings, mixers and more!
Why Join the Chamber?
Get noticed in the community.
Build relationships through events.
Promote Your Business
Through the chamber website and social media pages.
Find Employees
Use the chamber job posting feature to reach candidates.
Build Credibility
Raise your reputation through membership.
Improve SEO
A link from a local organization to your business is great for SEO.
Continuing Education
Get a competitive edge with a variety of training and educational options.